Yesterday marked halfway through November, and halfway through NaNoWriMo. If you are keeping up with the daily goal of 1,667 words, you should be at 25,005 words.
I’m not entirely sure how I’ve managed it, but I’m on pace, which is exactly what I’ve been hoping for. To me, this isn’t so much about writing a novel, as it is trying, yet again, to build a daily writing habit.
And you can see from my sticker calendar that I’ve managed to do just that: except for that one lonely Saturday with not even 100 words, I’ve written at least 1000 words every day this month (which is what I have to do in order to earn the Pooh sticker for the day….).
I haven’t had a lot of forward momentum on the actual plot for most of the time, I keep circling around the start, but I think I’ve finally got a direction I’m happy with, and am making progress. As I said, this isn’t necessarily about just vomiting out 50,000 words, and while I did beat myself up for a few days in there (week 2 is hard, man…), I’m still plugging away.
I’m not sure what happened on that 97 word Saturday. Weekends should be about marathons of words.
Oh. Wait. I do know. That was iPhone day. I didn’t play on it all day long, but it might have distracted me a bit…..
Now that are we are halfway through the month, it feels like we should be on a roller coaster ride to the bottom, the words to go are less than the words already written, but knowing how hard fought the first 25,000 words were, I suspect the rest of them will be just as much work. The novel is perfect in my head, but somehow between there and the keyboard, something happens and they get all garbled.
The boys just asked if they were going to get to read this novel I’m writing. I said “Some day. After I completely rewrite it.”
You know we all want to read it. So get crackin’
I don’t know how you’ve found the time to do ANY writing with all that you do. Amazing!