Books read in January 2013
This was cute, but a little like candy. Sweet, but doesn’t really stick with you.A few too many flowery descriptions, and the entire premise was a little on the silly side.Hmmm, it sounds like I hated it, and I didn’t — I finished …
I am such a failure sometimes. I was supposed be reading this 2 chapters at a time, participating in a read-along.I read it all in like, two days. I meant to stop, but I couldn’t help myself.I’m also something of a failure, because …

Nineteen books finished in January. I doubt that I’ll maintain that pace all year long: I credit a lot of it to the fact that I have spent many hours on bus rides and sitting in gyms (before and during basketball games…), which has meant a LOT of reading time. Add to that several snow/ice days off from school, and, yeah. 19 books this month.
Luckily, I have really enjoyed most of these books! I had four that I gave just 2 stars to. One 3 star, the rest 4 or 5 stars. Only one, though, managed to get itself on my Favorites bookshelf — and that was the book I read today, The Archived, by Victoria Schwab. (My review of that will post on Saturday).
How about you? Read any good books this month?