In just two hours here in Iowa, it will be November.
Some of you may know that November means it is National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo, for short), and a few of you may even recall that 2 years ago, I actually participated. Yes, I did. I even wrote 50,000 words worth of what one might call draft zero of a novel. When I finished, I decided the exercise of writing it was worthwhile, but the result was likely was utter garbage. I had great intentions of revisiting it, but life happens, and 2 years later, I have finally had the courage to reread some of it.
It’s not utter garbage. Oh sure, it’s mostly garbage, but there are actually a few gems in there. So, some day, I may very well work at rewriting it, probably from scratch, but here it is November again, and a brand-new Nanowrimo is starting up, and the “rules” say you have to start a NEW project.
I know. I know. When do I have time to write, you are wondering? Well, I don’t really know the answer to that, but here I am contemplating the novel-shaped idea I have been brainstorming whether I wanted to or not over the last two weeks.
And then…there’s this other project called, DigiWriMo (Digital Writing Month), and the idea is to write 50,000 words, but not necessarily a novel: to explore, well, writing that is digital: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Wikis, code, collaborative writing, etc. Only problem is that I haven’t the faintest clue what I would write about in those formats.
Very little of what I’m doing these days is “worth” 50,000 words shared with the world in a month. That makes it sound like I’m being hard on myself, and I’m not: some of it is that I CAN’T talk about what goes on at school, and while this used to be a blog about quilting, I think it’s pretty safe to address the obvious: Suzanne is not quilting these days. At all.
Also, a lot of the people that I see participating in digiwrimo are academic teachers/professors/librarians/historians/students…. — and I’m finding that a bit, well, not intimidating, but…well….some word that means not really intimidating, but maybe a little intimidating. Maybe I need a thesaurus.
So, what does all of this rambling mean? Well, I guess it can be summed up as: I might be trying to write 50,000 words this month, and those words might be part of a novel, or something else entirely, either here on my blog or on Twitter or Facebook, or….
I might just go curl up with a book. Or my knitting.
Cynthia says
I have missed your written words. Your working has definitely gotten in the way of your writing time. I’ve mentioned before, I’d be first in line for your book, novel, novella, whatever. I hope you can find time to do a little quilting. You’ll get rusty. I know I do when I slack off.