Mom and I spent yesterday on an adventure. We started off by going to the Figge Art Museum in Davenport so that we could visit the Fin and Feathers Exhibit — a traveling collection of artwork from the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art.
OK, technically we started with a 2 hour drive followed by lunch at The Machine Shed, but then we went to the exhibit.
It was very cool. Artists that we recognized were Eric Carle, Leo Lionni and Arthur Lobel. There were others as well, and I ended up having to order a book for Mom last night, she was quite taken with Lottie’s New Beach Towel by Petra Mathers.
The artwork on display was fascinating for a few reason: first, is that it is some of it is so deceptively simple. I came away thinking “I could do that.” Except, of course, I can’t…
It was also interesting to see all of the work up close — it’s not PERFECT. There were spots that looked like glue marks, and some of the paper that was cut was not cut PERFECTLY.
We had actually begun our trip to the Figge by stopping in their exhibition called Locating Place: Perceptions of Space in 20th Century Photography. The work was primarily black and white photography, so the contrast between that and the COLOR of the children’s exhibit was striking.
After we were done with the museum, we were on a mission: find Suzanne a dress to wear to prom.
Poking a sharp stick in my eye might have been more fun.
There were many obstacles:
- Hardly anyone wears dresses, so the selection at many stores was slim to nonexistent.
- I do not wear a size 2 or 4 or 6 or 8.
- I have never worn those sizes, but that’s besides the point.
- I am nearly 40 and carried twin boys and never entirely lost the “baby” weight.
- I didn’t want to spend huge amounts of money.
- I didn’t want something that clung to all of my curves. Because…yuck…
- I wanted something sort of dressy.
- But not too dressy, so that I can wear it to work occasionally.
- Women’s clothing sizes are stupid.
- I couldn’t leave the list with just 9 things.
It also didn’t help that the salespeople in Dillard’s were completely useless. They asked me what the occasion was and of course my answer was “I am going to prom.”
I think they thought I was serious.
Of course, I was, but not in the way that I think they thought I meant. Yes, I *AM* going to the high school prom, but not the way a high school kid goes to prom. I’m going to eat! And to look at the ridiculously young things in their crazy finery! And then I’m going home at a reasonable hour with my husband knowing that I am lucky and grateful that I never have to be 17 again.
The unflattering dresses the two ladies tried to hand me as suggestions? After having seen what *I* had picked out, which should have been a clue as to what was catching my eye?
They should have beenĀ embarrassed. But then, I think they were more interested in dressing the tiny teen that was looking for *her* prom dress than they were in help me.
And yes, I did end up finding a dress at Younkers. Ironically, I had seen it at Dillard’s but they didn’t have my size.
And no, I’m not sharing a picture, yet. You’ll have to wait until I can take a picture of Mark and I together in our fancy duds. I still have to convince him to let me buy him a pink tie, so he’ll match.
I love you, Suzanne.
Hi Suzanne! I feel so bad — I DID see your comments on my blog. This is the one (HUGE) downfall of Blogger. There is no way to comment back/reply/make any sign that you, as the writer, saw the nice comments from your reader. So this is the next best thing! Thanks for your nice comments…. you were right on. Keep in touch! And as for your shopping — I used to live in Iowa and I preferred Younkers to Dillards. They seemed to care more about ACTUALLY helping their customers. š