I wish I could think of more interesting blog titles, but I’m not having much luck this week.
Didn’t sleep well last night, got up too early, run didn’t go well, didn’t feel top form most of the day. Work was fine, but the afternoon got a little draggy.
But then! It was time for football! The 8th graders played 4 full quarters (and won, 20-0), and then they played 2 extra quarters, which our 7th graders got to play against the other team’s 8th graders (the other team only 4 7th graders, we have 15…). The 7th graders weren’t as successful (those 8th graders are BIG!), but they tried, and didn’t do too badly. In elementary school football, they play on a 60 yard field: junior high FB is played on the BIG field, and boy, does that field look BIG.
I spent part of the day working on creating ballots and getting ready for the high school to vote on their top 5 choices for Homecoming King and Queen — *I* get to be the ONLY one that knows who wins the eventual final vote. *I* get to be the one that writes those names down and seals them up in an envelope! How cool am I????
Pretty darn cool, if you ask me.
I really like the way our high school chooses the homecoming queen ~ the court is, of course, a straight popularity contest, but the queen isn’t chosen until the night of the homecoming game ~ and it is done randomly. There are 8 boxes on a table, each one containing a single rose. 7 of the roses are red, the 8th is white. On a given signal, all the girls open their box, and the girl who gets the white rose is the queen. Pretty dramatic, and then it doesn’t depend on campaigning.