A few years ago, I signed up for an online class called Learn Something New — it’s a scrapbooking/journaling class, that lasts for the month of September. Once you sign up, you are a member for life. I have never really done much with the class prompts, but this year, I’m sort of using them as a shove to at least jot down a little each day, especially so that I can remember what this first month of my new career as a school secretary was like.
Most of the days, so far, I haven’t actually responded to the prompts, as such, but today, I just had to laugh, as I read this line in the daily e-mail from the instructor:
are there lessons that are a continual process for you?
Gee, I never have to relearn any lessons, ever.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
If only.
Today’s lesson was that if I set a timer and just DO the job, it doesn’t take nearly as much time as I think it will. In this case, the job was weeding out my closet and drawers and folding everything and putting it back nicely. Not only did it not take very long, but I have an entire closet shelf that is empty, and my drawers are crazy roomy. I didn’t do my sock and underwear drawer, as it lives in a different room, but I bet the result will be a relief.