Today was day 3 at the new job. High School Secretary. Well, my contract says “7-12 Secretary,” and the job posting called it “Administrative Assistant to the Secondary Principal.” Whatever you call me, I’m a busy girl, but I’m enjoying the challenge, and it’s exciting to be at school. I have so very much to learn, though. It’s one of those jobs, where it will be an entire year before I actually get to do all of the pieces, and it will probably take at least another year before I really know what I’m doing with some of the “extra stuff.” The daily stuff is pretty consistent, but as you can imagine, in the life of a school year, there is something new every month. Week. Day!
Today managed to be especially crazy, but I get the impression that nearly every day is pretty wacky at school. Half dozen subs, plus the principal was gone, shortened schedule (it was H.O.T.), and toss in a 10 minute power outage. As the superintendent said, “we joke about getting back to normal some day, but we don’t really know what normal looks like.”
do you get to have lunch and hang out on breaks in the teacher’s lounge or is there an area for other “staff”? I can’t imagine North Tama has too many extra areas to hang out in