After a really productive Thursday, Friday was almost a complete waste. I felt kind of yicky for part of it, and I just couldn’t make anything happen, so I spent a lot of time reading, and then we had to go get groceries and school supplies.
Yesterday, though, I got back on the horse and got the pebbling done:
The home stretch, before:
And after:
(Sorry for the weird lighting and angles. It was dark.)
I also went for Plan B and a half on the lettering. It’s still Plan B, in that I’m using the appliqued letters, but I ended up hating the way the hand-stitching was looking, so I ripped that out and started doing a narrow zig zag on the sewing machine:
Not that you can tell in the picture. Again, the lighting was wonky, so it doesn’t look like much.
Today, being Sunday, I excused myself from having to work on customer quilts, so I’m just playing on my mini-quilt now. The lettering is all done, and I’m part way through quilting.
I’m sort of moving through molasses today, though, as it is my least-favorite time of year: Ragweed Season. I should have been dosing myself with Flonase before now, but I haven’t, so it hasn’t taken full effect yet…and I have supplemented with some Benadryl today. (Yes, I know there are non-drowsy antihistamines available. No, they don’t seem to do much good for me. But that’s OK, I like taking naps).
Part of the point of the mini-quilt was to offer myself a carrot to get through the pebbling. The other point was to see if I could pull myself out of the non-quilting I’ve been doing. I’ve been doing so much non-quilting, I’ve wondered if I still had the right to call myself a quilter. The other times I’ve tried to kick-start, it was with big quilts and I couldn’t see any progress. Working on this tiny piece has been good to get the juices flowing — I have another quilt starting to form in my head.
Back to the flag quilt. Or another nap.
nice job with the pebbles 🙂 And that little flag quilt is sooo darn cute!
what lovely pebbles you have! I’ve been trying to make mine look less spastic… maybe I need benadryl?