So, apparently, I watch more romantic comedies than I realized, because I think I’ve seen most of the ones you guys have listed so far!
So, here’s the really cute thing I made last night:
An hour, tops. I intended to work on a little dress for Hannah’s Bitty Baby, but the pattern I was using was intended for a real baby, and instead of modifying it for the smaller doll, I thought, “Hellooo, you have a brand-new niece arriving in the next 2 weeks, maybe you should just make a dress for her.”
So, I did.
It’s based on this tutorial: Itty Bitty Baby Dress, which calls for piping at the waist, and purchased bias binding for the hem — I skipped the piping and just turned a hem.
It was ridiculously simply, the bodice just ties at the shoulders, the skirt was made out of 2 rectangles. When I make another one, I might take a little bit longer to do some nicer seam finishing, but for a first try, I think it turned out pretty sweet. I’ll be anxious to see if it even fits the new little person, and I promise (since I’m going to the post office every 5 minutes shipping orders…) to actually MAIL this before the new little person arrives.
Over the weekend, when I was suffering, I did spend some time knitting. (Well, I didn’t on Sunday, omstly on Sunday I Just lay in my bed and moaned). But Saturday Monday? I totally cranked out some knitting. Not the socks. I couldn’t face those little bitty needles. But I finished the parts for the knitting project I teased you with a few weeks ago:
It’s a stuffed monster. Apparently I can’t count, and made too many ears. I still have to stuff it, sew it all together and attach the eyes.
The pattern is Penelope the Empathetic Monster.
I also decided that because I was sick, and because..well, just becaues, I deserved to start a new project. This is a long-term knitting project:
It’s from the Mason-Dixon book Knitting Outside the Lines and is a blanket called Liberty. (Ravelry link) It doesn’t look like much right now, but hooo boy is it purty…
And with that, I must sign off, and return to the grindstone for a short while before I head up to take my darling husband out for lunch. Tuesday was our 14th anniversary, and I was so not up to eating much more than toast that day. I’ve got my appetite today, though, and am even planning to order dessert!!
deb levy says
Cute, cute, cute! And have a great anniversary lunch!
Judy W says
Cute little girly dress!!!!
But hey, who says monsters only have 2 ears???? They could have three ya know!!!!! Maybe an extra ear on their shoulder facing backwards to hear who’s sneaking up behind them???? Just a thought………… LOL
Vicki W says
There’s a lot of cuteness going on there!
Lynn Douglass says
I’m glad you’re feeling better, my friend! Happy Anniversary!
Randi says
That is cute!