I have something that I call the Terrible Package Sender gene. (It only affects packages to friends and families. Customer packages are generally OK, except when the Blonde gene kicks in and I do something stupid, like pile things on top of a customer order. But that’s only happened once. )
Hopefully, by now, my friends and family have realized it is nothing personal. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just that I can start gathering up stuff for a package and it’ll be 2 years later and the stuff is still sitting there before I decide that I probably ought to finally send the package. You know, before the t-shirts for my niece and nephew no longer fit.
(Well, the t-shirts haven’t been sitting there that long, but some of the other stuff has been).
Or I’ll start making a quilt for a new nephew and I’ll get it almost all the way done, and then I’ll let it sit, waiting for a label for months. Because you know that label is going to take all of 20 minutes, and I just can’t find 20 minutes anywhere. (<—that’s a joke.)
Well, last week I decided it was time to try to overcome my genetics, and not use them as an excuse anymore. I got in gear and made a quilt for my new niece-to-be, made labels for both the new quilt and the old quilt that’s been waiting, plus pillowcases, and made a promise to myself that everything would be in the mail TODAY.
Go me.
David and Stefanie? There was so much, I ended up needing to use 2 boxes. They’ll go to the post office this afternoon.
debby brown says
ii, too, am postally challenged. i will write a note and sign it, but finding an envelope? and a stamp? and making it all the way to the mailbox? it could take weeks!
don’t get me started on packages.
congratulations. you should be very proud of yourself!
David S. says
I have that same problem, it’s definitely genetic. We’ll let you know when the packages arrive. 🙂
Mary Ann says
definitely genetic, you got the problem from your mother
Beth says
I I call that ‘mailing impaired’ and I have been afflicted for YEARS. ::::sigh:::: I think I’m a closet perfectionist with a generous dash of procrastination. I REMEMBER…just not at home with all I need at my fingertips. I remember either 1. at home in the middle of th night or 2. when i’m out of the house and can do NOTHING about it. I have flashes of recovery with long pauses of backsliding! It helps if I have de-junked the house 1st so I”m not as easily distracted. Come to think of it, maybe its part of my Quilters ADD….::::grin::::