I’ve decided that I’ll spare you from the ranting about football vs. the rest of the world. Some of the rant you can probably write yourself based on your own experiences. Some of it is based on the fact that if people would communicate and be respectful of and considerate towards one another, a whole lot of the world would be a much better place.
Instead of ranting about local politics, I will share a funny story. You can probably make up some of that rant on your own, too. It includes things like small-mindedness and short-sightedness and decisions based on personality conflicts, rather than actual issues.
Funny story, right:
I don’t expect, in my small town of 1500 people in rural Iowa, that our candidates for office are going to be accomplished authors or orators. I do, however, expect that if they are going to publish a flyer asking me to vote for them, that the flyer be free from stupid errors. Perhaps they could get it vetted by a 5th grader for proper grammar. I have two that they could borrow for the job.
One of the flyers was pretty pitiful. When I read it out loud, the grammatical errors were appallingly obvious. I’m not talking about some esoteric grammatical rule, I’m talking about stuff that was really obvious.
The other one: it wasn’t so much the grammar as it just made me laugh right out loud and say “SERIOUSLY?”.
The candidate spelled out her last name in big letters down the side, and then she put in characteristics, or campaign promises that started with the letters of her last name.
(I might do one that reads
E — Eagerly awaiting the next Episode of Glee
A — Anticipating with pleasure her trip to New Jersey
R — Really too busy for words
L — Likes M&Ms
E –Exceptionally clumsy
Y — Yearning for a nap)
The candidates name has 1 “K” and 2 “N”s.
I don’t remember what her phrase for “K” was, but for the final “N” in her name she put:
Deb says
Spectacular! That just screams awesomeness. You should scan and post them.
Vicki W says
I agree with Deb 110% (that’s my pet peeve, giving over 100%, uh, is impossible!)
Shelly says
My personal favorite was when a letter from my son’s school said that my son was getting ‘and F’.
Christine Olson says
As someone who is very well acquainted with the dealings of small-minded, short-sighted people who make decisions based almost wholly on “personality”, I must say I feel your pain! LOL!
Since your town is so small and I’m sure word will get around about this blog entry, is your name now “Mud”?
Here’s hoping tomorrow is a better day, friend!
Erin D. says
Things like this unhinge me. What also strikes me about your spelling-out-my-name lady is… “who cares about you wanting a nap? Or your predilection for M&M’s?! TELL ME WHAT YOUR POLITICAL VIEWS ARE. With correct grammar, if possible.”
Seeing grammatical/spelling errors on signs, in magazines and on buildings makes me marginally crazy, as well. Fricking proofread, people! Mind your errant apostrophes!!
Ok, I’m done now. 🙂