So the other morning, I was blow-drying my hair. I noticed that there I had apparently dripped some moisturizer on the edge of the sink, so I wiped it up with my right index finger (the dryer was in my left hand…).
I had my hand ON THE FAUCET (so I could rinse the moisturizer off my hand) before I woke up enough to realize that turning on the water while drying my hair was probably not a good idea.
Aren’t you glad you have me to remind you of the stupid things you shouldn’t do???
Hey! If you enjoyed yesterday’s photographic trip to the farm, just wait until next week: Mark took some short videos and when I return from my super-fantastic-weekend-of-fun, I’ll try to edit and upload them, it’ll be almost like you are in the combine with us. You’ll have to bounce up and down in your chair to simulate the bouncing.
I got queasy just reading your post! Please make sure you have a GFCI outlet in your bathroom! (ground fault circuit interrupter)
You can be as spacey as you wanna be — but don’t forget to get on the plane, we’re so excited to have you out here!!!