It wasn’t until this morning that I realized where I had pulled that subject line from: I was totally channeling Disney’s Tarzan..Trashing the Camp, and frankly, my sewing really does look like a pack of gorillas and other jungle animals visited it.
So hey — I had this great idea. I showed you where I create my Mess works of art, what does YOUR studio look like?
I live in a 2 bedroom condo. Its just me and my 2 dogs. My entire condo looks like your sewing room and the majority of it is fabric or sewing related. I think that the dogs do a lot of it… Yeah, its from the dogs! 🙂
i admit i cleaned before i photoed….
I’m sorry, but there is NO WAY I am showing my huge mess to anyone right now. I am in the process of cleaning, but not making much progress because i am swamped with quilts right now. (One excuse is as good as another.) Maybe after the Christmas rush i can REALLY clean and organize. I spend WAYYYYY too much time looking for things that I know are RIGHT THERE!!
Suzanne – This might be a great question for the “weekly question” forum. I’m pretty compulsive so my sewing room (which was built for me when we built our new house) is usually in good order. At least as good as it’s ever gonna get! Your sewing room reflects a creative mind! …..and now back to feathers.
My “studio”? Bwahahahaha! (Wiping tears from my eyes.)
Seriously, its awful. To the list of jungle animals, add piles of Happy Meal toys (surely I’ll use them on an assemblage?), old socks (make a nice rag rug when they’re cut into strips) and … you get the picture.