This one could also be titled “Yes, sometimes, I really AM that stupid”
So, when last I babbled about this project, I was debating about border options. Actually, I wasn’t really debating, I knew what I wanted to do, but I was having a crisis of confidence brought on by the fact that so many of you didn’t like the choice I that I preferred.
(For previous updates on this project: Radiant Star updates)
I gave myself a lecture about how I have good instincts, and not everyone likes the same thing as me, and it looks different in person than it does on the computer screen… My Mom also gave me that lecture (and viewed the option in person and agreed with me that it looked good), and so I started forth to sew.
To those of you that didn’t like the stripe, you might want to avert your eyes. Sorry. That’s what we chose.
However, stupidity reared it’s ugly head almost immediately.
Not a big deal, but it wasn’t until AFTER I seamed all of the stripe strips together with diagonal seams (which is how I always seams borders strips…) that it would have been much easier and looked a lot better to have gone with straight seams this time. Would have wasted less fabric, too.
Though, I don’t think I did too badly:
I got all 4 borders sewn on and it was time to start mitering. Some of you are going to see this coming a mile away, but it truly snuck up on me.
I spent the better part of 2 hours working on this corner. I ended up hand-sewing the miter closed and I was so so proud of this corner. See? Isn’t it beautiful? Take a moment to bask in the glory that is this mitered corner:
I’m feeling all cocky, and turn the quilt to start on the next corner. And when I realized what was going on, and just how stupid I was, I stared in amazement at it for a really long time:
You experienced quilters and seamstresses saw that coming, didn’t you?
I took a deep breath and went on to corners number 3 and 4.
Of the 4 corners, only the ONE matched up. It was absolutely the purest dumbest luck that that was the corner I chose to start with. Actually, it was the purest dumbest luck that even that first corner matched up. Duh.
I do know what I’m going to do now. Luckily, I have enough of the stripe to go in a different direction. Literally:
Unfortunately, that means taking off those outside border stripes and sewing on the new. I wonder if I can actually find a seam ripper in my disaster area sewing room.
For those of you wondering why I didn’t want the wide cream border: several of you commented on what a great canvas it would be for beautiful quilting, and while I don’t disagree, have you seen the whole quilt? Trust me, there is PLENTY of room for quilting.
Also, the more I looked at it and thought about it, the more I decided that it needed a dark frame to finish it off.
I thought about not sharing any of this, and in fact, even considered not showing the quit again until the quilting was done, but I decided that I needed to continue to fulfill my mission in life:
If you can’t be a good example, then you‘ll just have to serve as a horrible warning.
Bless you for the good example 🙂
Thank you for sharing, Suzanne. Your Radiant Star would have looked fine with either border. Those stripes can be a lot like Jinny Byers’s borders. I love her centering techniques. I’m glad you solved yours. I hope you share the finished (quilted) project.
Your “3” boys are all very charming!!
I love your honesty, Suzanne! I also love the stripe. Bummer about the corners but I know you’ll do great at figuring out the fix. Let us know how and what you do!
The house looks great in red and your boys (all of them) are handsome!
You You are tougher than I am! I would probably have left the borders on and whacked out the corners to put in a honkin’ big ole corner square! Bra Bravo!!
Yeah, like we’ve never ever done that before! Geesh, how many borders have I ripped off with a slew of cuss words?!?!? I think it was the right choice to go with a darker border. It’s going to be gorgeous once you get ‘er figgered out. Really.
HAHA Yeah I’ve been there, done that! In fact mine was the very first time I tried to miter AND use stripes. I had no idea what I was doing and it took me the longest time to figure out that I just couldn’t make the other corners work. I finally just did them anyway and called it good. The quilt was mine so …..
Well, I love the quilt and am soooo glad that I did not have to piece it. Ir will be wonderful and you will certainly remember it for a long time. I also like your spin on it. Some of us are examples and some of us are warnings or as I used to tell my kids “good examples of what not to do”. The future owner doesn’t read your blog, does he?
Thanks so much for sharing with us your mistake! It’s a) nice to know that we’re not alone in making mistakes and b) great to learn from someone else’s. So sorry that you have to go through all of that unsewing, however.
The quilt looks beautiful! Way to stick to your instincts.
I am glad you did the stripes. That was the one I liked the best! Always go with your first instincts!
It’s going to look fantastic when you get it all finished up. I really like the stripe fabric you used.
Everyone makes ‘mistakes’. Not everyone is willing to admit it. You’ve spared someone else by sharing your experience, Suzanne.
The quilt is going to be fabulous.
OK Suzanne, I’ve been sewing and quilting (for a living) off & on for 40 years and I still do bonehead stuff with great regularity. Everybody does, we just don’t all admit it to the entire universe via the internet, LOL!
BTW, it’s a gorgeous quilt!
So glad you used the stripe – I really liked that option best.