I’ve only ever used Minkee for the backs of quilts, never really sewn with it.
It’s really kind of a pain in the neck, all that stretchy-stretchy. Except the final result WON”T be a pain in the neck, it’ll be so nice and soft, right?
I think I made this one a little too wide, and I think I would like it better if I made it such that the cotton side was a bit bigger than the Minkee side, so that the Minkee didn’t roll to the other side.
I wondered how long it would take my sister to put in her order. I was actually looking at some black and white stripe fabric I have — that would probably look pretty cool with the red Minkee (the only color of Minkee I hvae at the moment…) and not be too girly…
It’s unintentional, but a bit funny that both this one and the previous one are fruit related fabric. I was going to say cherries and strawberries are all I have, but I think I’m wrong — I have a stack of fat quarters from that Sock monkey colleciton — I think there are some bananas in that stack…
I took a 2 hour nap this afternoon, which of course means that I’m wide awake now.I sholud probablygo to bed, but I think I’ll go sew some more. Though, I’m done making camera strap covers for tonight.
Deb says
Hey, predictable isn’t a bad thing. Speaking of predicting, they are predicting 10-14 inches of snow tonight/tomorrow, isn’t that lovely?
Angela says
I like this one! Looks great!
Ila Kool says
I would leave the Minky over the edges of the strap. I think that would feel better than cotton on the edge of the strap. Besides, if you topstitched, it might look like piping without all that work!