The front step and sidewalk LOOK like they are wet, but it is actually a sheet of ice out there.
And the picture looks sort of cloudy because I was taking it through the storm door, which started to fog up while I was trying to get Katie’s attention.
I was going to go downtown and try to finish taking inventory, but opted to stay home. Mark offered to drive me, but…I was OK with staying home. (It meant more quality time with my sewing machine, resulting in TWO quilts that are now bound and washed) and some 4-patch posie blocks I was playing with awhile ago are now assembled into rows. I can’t sew the rows together yet, because I need to get some more fabric from downtown for setting triangles…
Two years ago I tried this Daily Photo thing, and lasted until the end of February (Actually, that surprises me, I didn’t think I had made it that long…). I’m hoping to keep it going the entire year. I am planning to print them and somehow put them into a binder or album and include the journaling/explanation so that 50 years my boys will know why I took a picture of the dog staring up at my through the window.
Oh! After I took that photo of Mark last night, EVERY time I wandered past him for the entire rest of the evening, he was most definitely asleep (no matter what HE says.)
I drove to M’town to see Grandma. No trouble on the highway. Extremely icy sidewalks and parking lot by the nursing home. I made my sister pull the car up so I wouldn’t have to brave the walk back. No more broken ankles for me. I figured she deserves it anyway, she teases me about being the older sister. (3 whole years older)
Katie is so photogenic.
Katie is saying “please bring me another doggie friend”
Pleaseeeeeee Mommy, Let me in…I’m freezing out here!
You’re full of good ideas! I really enjoyed doing the journal your christmas class after seeing it last year on your blog and I really like the idea of a photo a day too.
Too cute Suzanne. I know what you mean about those men. Lynn also ” just rests his eyes.” Sometimes there is a lot of noise, snoring, made while he is resting his eyes.