I sent my husband an e-mail this morning, informing him that I was pretty sure that our boys (actually I called them HIS boys) were actively trying to make me crazy.
The details aren’t important, and aren’t as dire as Friday’s craziness, but still.
Shortly thereafter, I headed to the shop, to grab the bank deposit and run some other errands before 10.
Only, I had the WRONG SET OF KEYS.
I had the set that Mark likes (that just have a car key and a house key), instead of MY set, which actually has the shop key on it.
Further proof that I don’t need any help going crazy, I’m already most of the way their on my own.
I’m really sorry, but your posts have been quite amusing to me the last few days 😉
Well you got me laughing – I love that they were HIS boys today!!
Oh, ratzelfrackenblastuledadgummit. Poof. There went another efficiently-planned morning!