1. I put on a belt.
2. I fixed my hair (and for bonus points, put on make-up).
3. I voted (ballot number 238).
4. My phone only rang one more time with a ringtone message.
5. Our high school football team won it’s playoff game last night, 20-0. Their record is 11-0, and they will hopefully continue to win their way to the state championship in a few weeks.
6. I got a pretty good chuckle out of my brother’s comment on yesterday’s post. Actually he was responding to Susan’s comment, and I just hope that Susan doesn’t get too mad at my brother.
With any luck I’m going to have a very productive day, I’m going to eat a great Chicken and Biscuit Dinner (an election day tradition put on by one of the local churches), and I’m going to enjoy watching how today’s events turn out. Even though I’ve complained about how tired I am of this election, I do feel excitement about how important and historic this election is for our country.
Have a great Tuesday.
p.s. Have you voted yet?
Hey – you have a great start to the day… I early voted.. and I am so glad I did when I saw the line by the church this morning…. So now I get to play right?
Ooh, la, la, a belt!
Chicken and biscuits sounds good right about now. I’m all dressed up and headed over to the Italian Ambassador’s house for Italian Armed Forces Day. Prosciutto, parmesan, and good Italian wine will have to do instead.
And every time I remember my experiences, and recent too, with OB/GYN wards, I thank goodness I was born a guy. Someone once described combat as hours of boredom broken up by moments of terror. Waiting for baby is kind of like that. Without the shooting, of course. Usually anyway.
Hahaha! I had to go back to read his comment from yesterday…LOL!
I have to say that I would have to describe my experience potty training Colin as similar to the situation you describe too Dave. That’s weird, isn’t it? And of course it does involve “shooting”. LOL
I voted, unfortunately Colin hit the button too soon so I didn’t get to everything on the ballot. Oh well…