Last week I got a phone call from someone asking for some colors of yarn that I didn’t have in stock, but could order.
The yarn arrived and I called the number she had given me.
Turns out it was her cell phone and she had left it somewhere {i’m not clear if it was a store or a restaurant}. The store employee I spoke to was hopeful that I was the owner of the cell phone and was very apologetic. I wasn’t sure what to say!
Hopefully she’ll figure out where she left her phone soon, so that she and I can get in touch and she can get her yarn! Or maybe she reads my blog and will call me so I can tell her where her phone is and that I have her Lanaloft yarn in Mulling Spice and Scottish Highland…
In other knitting news:
(That would be a finished PAIR of socks. I’m pretty impressed with myself. I think the key for me was that I stopped the first one and worked on the 2nd one for awhile, so that I wasn’t faced with an ENTIRE 2nd sock after this first sock was done).
And you now what this means, don’t you?
Yup, I have my next sock picked out.
Oh, and that’s the Mulling Spice and Scottish Hillside in the background…
It wasn’t me. When DH’s phone was stolen then tossed the finder started calling the numbers stored.
Wonder why they don’t start calling all the stored numbers … maybe someone will know the number. OR call the cell service, give them the number to find out. I sure hope she figures it out.
Good luck