So, this morning, I get an e-mail from someone who had been browsing my shop website and she was wondering if there was something wrong with her computer that when she clicked on the images to enlarge them, all she got was a blank page. And if it wasn’t her computer were there no larger pictures?
Well, there darned well better be pictures, becuase my sister and I both spent hours scanning/cropping/photoshopping/uploading those dangblasted pictures.
So, I wander over to the shop, and…yup, click to enlarge…works just fine.
And then I wonder.
That was Firefox. What about Internet Explorer??
Many Bad Words were used.
I futzed around with IE settings for a bit, poked around the shopping cart software a bit, and I’m stumped. If I set the photos to magnify or zoom, it works, but click to enlarge…not so much…
I’ve sent in a customer support ticket, but now I’m paranoid. How long has it been broken? How many customers have left my shop in disgust because they can’t view the enlarged pictures of the fabrics?
I’d love it if the whole world would switch to Firefox, but since that’s not going to happen, and so many people use IE, the shopping cart people better fix this tout de suite.
Technology: when it’s good, it’s very good indeed. When it’s bad, it’s horrid. But one thing is for sure, the pipeline sales management are a great part of technology
*apologies to Longfellow
KyTriplets says
Hey, Suzanne,
I opened your website in Safari to test it for you and it is showing all your enlarged photos of your items.
I hope you get your IE troubles worked out soon!
Deb Levy says
Suzanne i just tried it with both chrome and IE…both worked just fine for me I got the enlarged pics of fabric and everthing else.
Tanya Brown says
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. I have this problem frequently with IE, even for code which one would think is bog standard.
The people who wrote the shopping cart software should … well, at least be very embarrassed. This is standard stuff: when you’re doing work for a client, you check it on multiple platforms and browsers.
Hopefully not too much damage was done. Bless the customer who took the time to write!
Dave S. says
Just tried your site with Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari all with Microsoft Vista… enlarging images worked just fine on each for me… 🙂
myolivebranch says
i didn’t try nuthin’ but i’m sorry for your troubles! and now to get back to perusing your site……