While doing something from my cranky list (laundry…), I found something that made me smile.
Anyone know what those are and where they might have come from?
(I am sad to say that even while smiling over this, I was forced to endure more cranky-inducing experiences such as the fact that (a) the memory card for Mark’s camera needs to be replaced and (b) the wireless network here at the shop is really flaky in the mornings, making it hard to actually upload the danged picture that made me smile. Here’s hoping for less crankiness as the morning goes on. Caffeine would probably help the situation).
Black eyed peas, from a grocery bag you forgot to empty?
You have a squirrel or chipmunk storing nuts/acorns in your dryer???
gosh I hope not. But they are very creative as to how they get into places.
Or maybe they are onion sets that fell out of your husband’s pocket?
Or beads that fell out of your pocket?
Dont keep us in suspense too long, ok? lol
They look like blackeyed peas to me, too. Does someone not want to eat their peas, so they hide them in their pocket?
I was going to say some sort of berries from a tree/bush that should be red. They came from one of the boys pockets. I had something similar over the weekend from the 4 year old picking berries off the holly bush. Not to self – check pockets, but BEWARE.
Becky is right: they came out of children’s pockets.
But no one has guessed what they are.
It is not something I purchased. It is in abundance here in rural Iowa at this time of year.
You have children, boys at that. If plant matter is the worst you find, life is good.