With the sheer quantity of knitting I’ve done, I should have a single sock done, but since the idea is to have a PAIR, I decided that before I could finish the first, I needed to get the second one underway. They seem to be turning out pretty nicely, and I’m looking forward to wearing them.
I think I might put these on temporary hold, though, as I’m feeling the need to try making a pair of really simple fingerless mittens.
It’s not REALLY cold, but it has turned just cool enough that I’m already feeling it in my fingers. I thought I’d try fingerless mittens this year to see if that helps my poor circulatory-challenged digits. I’m thinking I could even set a new fashion trend.
Or not.
I have self-diagnosed myself with Raynaud’s phenomenon (definition from webmd.com:)
During an attack of Raynaud’s, the small blood vessels (capillaries) that supply blood to the skin become narrow, limiting blood flow to the hands and feet or, less commonly, the nose or ears. This often causes fingers or toes to feel cold and numb and then turn white. As blood flow returns and the fingers warm, they may turn blue, then red, and begin to throb and become painful.
I think it’s pretty common, but mostly unreported and undiagnosed. We keep our house pretty cool in the winter, and even though I wear lots of clothes, my poor fingers are uncovered. I notice it especially when I’m using the mouse. And I’m not smart enough to just stop using my mouse/keyboard, so, I’m going to try the fingerless mitts to at least keep my hand a little warmer.
I’m pretty sure I can’t type with mittens on. And I can’t wear gloves (my fingers have to be together in order to have a fighting chance of being warm enough.
I wonder what color I should make my fingerless mittens.
Nah. That would be too obvious.
Pretty socks, Suzanne. I haven’t knitted in years but those make me want to try again (never did do any socks, though).
I have Raynauds too. The fingers on my left hand will actually turn bluish sometimes. And it will get to the point that I don’t want to do anything because I just want to sit on my hands to keep them warm! LOL
The fingerless gloves do help though. Guess it’s getting to the time of year that I need to go look for mine.
Good luck with the mitts; I hope they help. They do for me; I started wearing them last year. Keeping your pulse points warm helps keep your hands warm, even if your fingers are out. Great for typing and piano! And they look good, too.
I think you should make matching mits and socks. So the first pair should be from the left over sock yarn from these socks. 🙂
You probably already know about the Fetching Mitts on knitty.com . This is one of my favorite patterns to knit up for fingerless mitts. I also have a sewn version as a free pdf on this site.
I have been teaching myself how to knit 2 Socks on 2 Circular needles. I have a pair of child’s socks for my first attempt that did not turn out half bad. There is one place on the gusset that I am not happy with and it is the same place on both socks. I am going to make another pair even tho there are no children around to wear them.
Wow! Those socks rock! I LOVE the colors!!!
Keep ‘on knitting!