I looked and I looked and I looked last night. I went back and forth between the two spots where the bobbin case ought to be and never saw it.
Do you see it? Sitting on the Featherweight?
Why did I put it there? Why didn’t I set it on the white table where it would be blazingly obvious?
I’m a little cranky today, between losing the bobbin case, and the fact that I spent HOURS last night working on catching up on paperwork. I’m a piler. I should start a chapter of Pilers Anonymous.
My name is Suzanne and I like to pile things.
I know that if I would just deal with paper as I get it, my life would be easier and less cluttered, and yet…I continue to pile things. My piles don’t get as tall as they used to, but it still goes on for way too long.
I’m going to go stick my headphones on, turn on my audiobook, stick in my sweet bobbin case and get some quilting done. Hopefully that’ll clear the grumpies out.
Hi Suzanne! (That would be the standard response at the meeting). I will happily join you when you find the official meeting place. Might be hard to find because I’m sure there’s piles around it. What is it about piling? I’m the worst. I went to my neighbors house the other day to give her veggies and I think she’s even worse than me, if that’s possible. Glad you found your bobbin case. I can feel the frustration.
“I should start a chapter of Pilers Anonymous.”
Sign me up for the first meeting! Maybe I’ll actually make it if I remember into which pile I put the reminder note LOL! If it weren’t for paper and paperwork, I think I’d be fairly organized. I just can’t get a handle on the paper though.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that loses things in plain sight. Makes me feel better that a young thing like you does it too. Wait a few years, it gets worse! Gee, that probably doesn’t help make you less cranky, though, does it?? Try some chocolate!
Oy… I just spent two hours yesterday going through piles. And if I had that sweet featherweight I’d have missed the bobbin case too. 😀
Piles.hmmm that would be what I am looking at right now! Love that featherweight.It took me more then a few seconds to find the bobbin! Lol.
The clothesline basket was way easier then I thought. Slow work but very very worth it.
Yep, I pile up the paperwork too. Hate it. LOL, I don’t think that any group will work because we would all have our meeting agendas and newletters at the bottom of a pile somewhere!
Re the bobbin case. I had to spend a long time training myself to always place the bobbin case in the same spot when I go wind a bobbin. FWIW, I still lapse every now and then and have to do the hunt for it. Cute Featherweight – I really want one of those.
Oooh, you better sign me up too. I always called it “flat suface-itis” because every flat surface in my house has a pile on it! My desktop is currently about 4-5″ thick and starting the downhill cascade. I’m really bad, when the pile gets too deep, I just shove it into a box and start over again. Does anybody else do that?
i’m kay and i have piles.
kay, you might be able to find help for that at the drugstore 😉
you crack me up!
Actually, y’all, there’s an organization called “Messies Anonymous”. No joke. Sandra Felton wrote a book, sort of tongue in cheek, and I read it back in the 90’s. Here’s her website: http://www.messies.com/. But, I’m still just as messy as ever.
Hey, tell me, what is that thing on the board with the cone holder and what does it do?
hey let me know when the first meeting is–I’ll be there.
Oh, I would be right there with you, too! On both the piler’s and the crankiness! Although, yesterday, my crankiness was almost too much for me to stand!