I love babies. Especially when they belong to other people. I spent Sunday afternoon at my cousin’s house, she and her sister both have little boys who are around 18 months old. Totally cute. At that age where they don’t really want to have anything to do with big people that they don’t know, but they were fun to watch.
I’m going to get to spend a few days with my sister’s kids in a couple of months, they are buying a house, and I’m going to fly out for the weekend to help corral children so that Mom and Dad can concentrate on moving. Mark says he’ll watch the shop for me as long as no one expects him to answer any questions. My nephew is getting closer and closer to 3 years old. He’s such a cutie pie and a smarty pants. His 6 month old sister is sweet, sweet, sweet.
My brother and his wife are getting ready for the arrival of their 3rd bundle of joy. Their older kids are 8 and 6. They are pretty cute, too, but 8 and 6 year old cute is different than toddler or baby cute.
I was reminded today that I probably ought to be thinking about a baby quilt, and remembered that a request had been put in for something blue/green, think: Earth from space:
I’m thinking these pieces ought to do. I’m going to do a Disappearing Nine Patch (I did one last summer for one of my cousin’s babies. Should be fast, and the greens and blues should all blend together nicely. I used fat 8ths and cut the strips at 4 inches, so the blocks will be a bit bigger than last time.
Time for a Knitting Olympics update! Not only am I going to be finished before the Closing Ceremonies, I’m thinking I’m going to set a World Record. I’m only 3.5 rows away from being finished with all of the knitting. Crazy, isn’t it? Part of why I’m done sooner than expected is that I ran out of black yarn. I’m using larger needles than what the pattern calls for, so I think that’s the explanation. I can only make 14 rows instead of 16.
I’m not worried, it’s plenty big:
Gargantuan, even.
I’ve also got the knitting done for a flower:
Though, I do have to sew it up. The way I cropped the pictures makes the flower look as big as the bag, but really, it’s not.
Can’t wait to felt them both and see how they turn out!!!
Tomorrow, I’ll have a machine quilting job to show off. It’s a Buggy Barn Coneflower Crazies quilt, I’m really pleased with how it is turning out.
Small funny: my first customers of the day came in carrying a pair of football pants, wanting to know if I did any hemming.
Hem? You want me to hem? Now, I’m not one to turn away money, but…I know my area of expertise and it does NOT include hemming pants for anyone, including my own family members, let alone strangers. I pointed them across the street to the clothing store.
I hope you all had a great Monday.
See you tomorrow,
freda1951 says
I love the fabrics Suzanne. The bag is looking good too.
Vicki W says
You sure are getting a lot done while working full time!