A few more details. I think it’s probably time to come clean. Especially because I now have a logo, and that makes it feel all the more real:
As some of you have probably guessed, I’m not just moving my longarm quilting business into the shop that I’ve shown pictures of over the past weeks: I’m also going to be opening the doors as a retail store. We’ll have yarn and fabric, and the assorted tools that go with those things. I’m starting very small (although every time I talk to a sales rep, my dream gets bigger, but I keep having to remind myself of the goal. and the budget). Everything will be online right from the start, too, and thankfully I have my sister to help with that.
So far I’ve got fabric from Marshall Dry Goods (all closeout stuff, so the price will be LOW) plus some yarn. And more yarn arriving on Thursday. I still need to make a decision about kntting needles, and to order some notions. The fact that I’m going to be gone on vacation for part of July makes everything seem even crazier, but it’ll all work out. I figure I have to start somewhere, and if what I’m doing when the doors open doesn’t work: I’ll readjust.
One thing on my list? Buy a bunch of nuts and bolts at the hardware store, so I can have them in a jar on the counter for the smart-alecks that come in asking for them.
Anita asked about the shelving, and what we used to make it. It’s plastic shelving from Lowe’s that is supposed to be 4-tiers of shelves. We bought 5 sets and then Mark cut the tubes that make up the supports to a specific length (to make the shelves the right height for bolts of fabric). He staggered the shelves so that each shelf is used to help keep another row of bolts from falling over.
My mom gets credit for the name of the shop. Isn’t it clever?
Now you probably understand why there is a lack of quilting content, or just a plain lack of content, period.
OK, back to work.
p.s. before anyone asks, i’m planning on being open somewhere around the 1st of august. i don’t know if the website will be ready then, but the doors need to be open in time for our town’s summer festival…
Jan says
Best of luck with your new adventure!!
Mary Ann (mom) says
Thanks for mentioning where the name came from! Needless to say, I’m very excited about Suzanne’s new venture and plan to help her out a lot. In fact, I’m knitting my poor fingers to the bone on samples and folded a gazillion fat quarters and fat eighths yesterday. I think she’s slightly crazy ambitious about having the store open the 1st of August, but she couldn’t possibly be my darling daughter if she wasn’t slightly crazy. She got the ambitious part from her father.
Deb Levy says
Congrats Suzanne! Best of luck in the new venture. Sounds like you’ve got lots of good help in your Mom and sister.
shirley bruner says
oh, that is so exciting. can’t wait till the website is operational so i can go buy something. LOL and my sister and i love fabric road trips. some day we will come visit the shop. good luck and best wishes. i just know it will be fabulous
Suzanne says
I think the only reason the website will be ready any time soon is because of my sister helping. I don’t know how I thought I was going to get all of that done, too. And luckily, that’s something she can do from way over where she lives.
I was pretty impressed with how many fat quarters Mom folded yesterday. I tried to get the boys to do that, but (1) I wasn’t sure how neat they’d be and (2) they got bored after about 4 of them.
Vicki W says
I LOVE the name! Congratulations – I think you are going to be a huge success!
Jami says
Yippie!!! A new store in the area to shop at!! I don’t care if gas is high, I’ll be there when you open the doors! (of course, I’m lucky…I’M only about 45 miles or so to the new store!) Congrats!!!
freda1951 says
Congratulations Suzanne. That is so exciting. I love the name of your store.
Mary says
Best of luck Suzanne with the shop – the name and the logo are both great.
Brenda J says
Sounds so exciting! Wishing you smashing success!
Terri says
Terrific logo! And good idea about the jar of nuts and bolts. Ya just know some yahoo……………..lol
Shaz says
Congratulations Suzanne and the very best of luck with your new store! How exciting.
Judy in MO says
Congratulations Suzanne!!!! Oh how I wish I was closer but will anxiously await the web-site to purchase.
Wishing you much success in your new adventure!
Judy in Mo
KK says
Wow! congratulations and best of luck! Hope to visit someday.
Michelle Wyman says
Best of luck Suzanne! Sounds like it’s gonna be a great success!
Nancy H says
That sounds like a terrific plan! Congrats!
Lisa says
Hey….what a blast! Love the name, wish you much success!!!!
Dara says
Congrats Suzanne!! You should do a booming business up there…in the dearth of quilting shop land…actually, that is most places in Iowa right now except the Des Moines area.
Add an email blast to your list of things to do, so I know what day and time to be there for your grand opening!! LOL
Sharon Dixon says
Suzanne, this is very exciting news. And I love the name….your mom did good!
Tina Chamberlain says
Congratulations! I’ll look forward to the website as I don’t think I’ll be in Iowa anytime soon.
Lynn Douglass says
Dang dang DANG! I want to be there for the grand opening and share in all the festivities! I’m so green, I can barely stand myself! Congratulations!
Tanya Brown says
Very clever name. This sounds like a happy busy happy busy time!