We got stuck at the dentist on Thursday for 3 hours. Nothing wrong, but the boys had sealants put on last summer and several of them needed to be replaced (for free, the dentist said he had apparently had a bad batch, these weren’t hte first that needed to be replaced). The dentist had time right away after their cleaning, so we decided to stay.
Thank goodness I had my knitting. I started the day with about 30 rows done on my bag, by the end of the day I had about 45 rows.
The boys had books, but poor Will got bored. He only needed one sealant replaced, Joe needed 4. Partway through waiting for Joe, I remembered that I had this little gadget along with me:
I asked Will if he would like to learn how to use it.
I went from having about 5inches of my bag’s handle made to having FEET of it. In the car later, Joe wanted to learn too, and between the two of them, the handle was quickly finished. I think it is…77 inches long! LOL
I finished the bag itself last night, and can’t wait to felt it!
The picture doesn’t do the yarn justice, it is super yummy. The monochromatic pink is a Lamb’s Pride Worsted Wool called Strawberry Smoothie. THe two solids are also Lamb’s Pride. I’ve got the monochromatic in about 10 other color ways, adn I think I wanted to try every single one of them!
I need to start a new bag so the boys can make me some more i-cord for the handle! I should probably get another one of those gadgets too, they can make long skinny tubes of yarn all the way to Florida and back.
Pictures of the felted bag…soon!
Vicki W says
Well, look at that, children do have value! LOL! Just kidding! Of course now that they know that you WANT them to make Icord they will never do it again.
Deb says
Um, what the heck is that gadget?
freda1951 says
I love the bag Suzanne. You have such talented sons.
paula says
Ah… an easy way to make an I-cord. You know what Elizabeth Zimmerman called the I-cord don’t you? Idiot cord! Bwaahaha! Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Alycia says
Very cool! Good to know you can still amuse children!
Deb Levy says
Cool tool! Even more cool that the boys want to try it!
gina says
I think my boredom led me to a YOYO obsession… now, i cant stop!
Guzzisue says
good old french knitting, used to have knitting doll as a child and bought one back from France last summer-
Deb says
Lynn Douglass says
I love that bag! I’m still plugging away on mine, and I’m learning a lot about fixing boo boos and what NOT to do! For instance, DO NOT DRINK LIQUOR while knitting! LOL! 😉 I’m plugging away, though, and I’m going to show you that I can finish something! Now, how can I get a sneak preview of the new wool yarns you have?
carlafibers says
I love that your wonderful bag matches your blog header. LOL
Yesterday I was shopping and actually picked one up and almost bought it.
LOve the new Logo and name as well, Suzanne!