In reverse order:
Today: Third grade field trip to visit several museums in Waterloo/Cedar Falls. Actually? A pretty good day. Kids were fairly well behaved, bus wasn’t as noisy as it could have been (although, Will made me sit with him in the back seat which was terribly bumpy…glad I’d had plenty of bathroom opportunities!) and the stuff we visited was interesting and well done.
Yesterday: We are currently doing some research and brainstorming about possibly expanding my quilting business, which includes looking at commercial space in town. Not sure exactly what shape that might all take, but it’s kind of exciting to contemplate.
Sunday: Worked on taxes (ugh) and visited some friends (yea!).
Saturday: Visited my Grandma in the hospital. She is back to her nursing home now, but was quite sick last week.
Friday: Finally finished one (of my 4) triptych pieces (I received 8 by 10 photographs from 4 MQResource members to interpret in quilt form) (yes, a triptych is 3, I’m in 2 groups, ultimately I’ll have 6 pieces…) (yes, I’m two months late).
Gayle’s Photo:
Gayle’s Quilt:
It’s not quite that garish in real life. I had to use the flash to take the picture, and it really is more muted than that.
In between? I actually dragged out a hand appliqué project that’s been languishing in a box for awhile:
This is from the Piece O Cake Designs Appliqué Sampler book. The tulip wreath has been done for awhile, the blue flowers needed 6 petals plus 3 gold centers done, and voila! I’m ready to start the next block. Only trouble? I can’t find the book! It’s not on my shelves, and I’m not really sure where else to look, as I’ve fairly recently gone through and put away all of the books that I could find. Hey! I wonder if Mom has it? LOL It was a thought, anyway.
And last, but not least, I’ve been messing around with a new blogging experiment, and I think I’m ready to invite you over to take a look:
My inspiration has come from several sources, I’ve seen more than a few bloggers talking about their goal of trying to work on a quilt project every day, even if it’s just for a short amount of time, plus I got to thinking about the word “everyday” and what that means to me in regards to the kinds of quilts I make.
Anyway, as I said: it’s an experiment. I don’t know that I’ll actually post Every. Single. Day. — but I’m going to be working on a brand-new hand appliqué project every day — but I’m limiting myself to 15 minutes (which is harder than it sounds!) I’m still just using a default template, but I want to mess around with making the site all purdy, too.
So, I’ll hope you’ll go visit and I hope you’ll consider bookmarking it or adding it to your Google Reader or Bloglines and maybe you’ll take the challenge to Quilt Everyday, too!
Of course mom had the missing book!!! And knew exactly where it was. If I forget to deliver it to your house in the morning, it is sitting on my kitchen table.
love, mama
I’m a little late responding to your last post. You will never know how fun it is for me to read about your kids! I miss those days terribly and this story just made my day!!!! THANKS!! So sweet : )
Oops, forgot to mention your triptych turned out fantastic!
You have got to be kidding!!! I spent today on a bus into the city to the museum and the art gallery with a bunch of third graders, just like you. Are we living parallel lives, or what? We got home only 1 1/2 hours ago. I am exhausted. I think teachers need a payrise.