My brother pointed out in the comments to my last post that there is another reason why today is special.
Could it be…his anniversary?
David, Stefanie and their kids were here for Christmas, but I seem to have only 1 picture of the happy couple together. Most of the rest of the pictures I took during their visit are of the 4 cousins.
Let’s see, this must be 9 years? (I know this because I was pregnant when we made the trip to Lake Tahoe for the wedding. Mark got to go skiing, I got to lounge around our hotel room cross-stitching and reading. Not gambling. LOL)
Congratulations, David and Stefanie. I hope this year is a fantastic one for you and your family!
Hugs and kisses from the Earleys!
And kind of an unusual picture…Stefanie playing a video game? You could have used that for blackmail purposes.
Oh, yeah, and thanks!