I’ve been tagged by a number of people to do the 7 random/weird things meme that makes it way around every so often. I have resisted doing it, because I’m not really sure what else to say that I don’t already talk about here. Some of my best brainstorming happens when I’m avoiding climbing out of bed, though, and this morning was no different, so let’s see how this turns out:
1. I have to have something to read when I’m eating breakfast.
2. I’ll even resort to re-reading something if I’m really desperate.
3. I read so quickly, and so many books, that I sometimes don’t remember if I’ve read a book or not. The other day I was at the library and found a book by an author (Katie Fforde) that I didn’t think I had read. Well, it turns out I had, but I couldn’t remember exactly what happened, so I went ahead and finished reading it just to refresh my memory. Luckily, it was worth the reread, although I won’t make it a habit of rereading her books.
4. I do have a couple of authors that I reread, and will continue to reread for a very long time. Lois McMaster Bujold, most notably. I get something different from her writing every time I read. And there are some passages that I will reread several times in one go.
5. I also rewatch favorite movies and TV shows on DVD. I’ve been through Stargate SG-1 twice now, I’m on my third go at Battlestar Galactica, and there are various others that I’ve watched and rewatched. I can’t even count how many times I’ve rewatched The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I should probably go through and add links to those shows and stuff, but I’m just not in the mood. Sorry.
6. When I say “watch” I really mean “listen” and sort of watch. Because no, I don’t sit around and just watch TV all the time. I have a TV in my studio and a set of wireless headphones. I love my wireless headphones. I love them so much that they are falling apart — the plastic coating on the ear part is peeling off. They were a gift from my husband several years ago.
7. I think he likes that I use them because it gives him the opportunity to sneak up on me and scare the crap out of me when he starts talking and I don’t realize he is there.
My list is marked List number 1, because I’m going to try to make March the month of lists thanks to the theme at NaBloPoMo. You remember in November when I posted every day for a month? Well, they are sort of doing this all year long now, with themes each month. I thought it mght be fun to try this theme, so we’ll see how that goes. Or not.
If you haven’t been tagged, and want to do the random/weird thing tag, be my guest. Pretty much everyone I know has already been tagged….
Later gators –
Kate says
I had to laugh at your 7 things – I did the same thing with a katie fforde book (restoring grace) recently myself – didn’t sound familiar from the blurb, but as I read it I realised I’d read it before. i used to read a lot more, but these days don’t manage nearly so much. I also do what you do with watching telly while doing something else – either hand work or (as i am doign at the moment) reading blogs or catching up on emails.