I got stuck on this one last night.
The prompt was to make a list of the things you had done during the day and put the list in order three different ways: chronological, in order by the amount of time each task took, and finally in order of importance. I got bogged down on the chronological list and didn’t get any further. I think I was thinking about my day too hard. That and also feeling sorry for myself about how many times I had had to take the dogs out and deal with boys with no help from their father. The poor man came home from work at 4:30/5:00 and headed straight for the couch. He barely moved from that spot until 10:00 when I gathered up the dogs (they were sleeping on top of him), and after brushing his teeth he collapsed into bed. (Please understand that although I was feeling sorry for myself, I was NOT mad at him: he’s had a horrible week at work and not feeling good on top of it. Poor guy).
Back to my list-making: so many of the things on the list get repeated over and over throughout the day. Everything I worked on was done a little bit here, a little bit there. (And again, I’m not complaining: this is how I operate, and I’m fine with it…) It just made me a little mad that I couldn’t figure out how to finish this journaling exercise because I really wanted to try to finish every one of them — a commitment to myself to follow through on something that would help me in my scrapbooking journey as well as in my journey as a writer. I have now given myself permission not to worry about doing it just like Shimelle’s prompt said, and decided to just have fun documenting in words a normal day whilst playing with a new digital kit I just downloaded. (Don’t you just love the word whilst? I wish I could say it in normal conversation. So much more interesting that just plain “while”)
Arranged in order of the number of
times she did something (approximately):
1. Put on Mark’s boots and heavy coat and my hat and gloves and take the dogs outside. This might not actually belong at the top of the list, but it sure feels like it goes there.
2. Read e-mail/blogs/forums
3. Food: dogs, boys, myself
4. Played with Maggie
5. Broke up fights between Maggie and Katie (and one between Joe and Will)
6. Visit several scrapbooking web sites and stores
Other stuff:
Phone call with Lynn
Layout of Will’s day on Wednesday
Quilt Hannah’s Quilt
Personal Hygiene (shower, teeth, etc…)
So that was my list for yesterday. Today’s list would look remarkably the same, actually. A few variations, no quilting, add in going to see National Treasure 2, change “will” to “joe” and it’s pretty close. LOL
I started this post earlier in the day and am just now getting back to finish it hours later. Another thing that is remarkably the same as yesterday is that poor Mark repeated the “come home and go straight to the couch” event from last night. Hopefully he can recover in time to enjoy the weekend.
Speaking of which, I’d better go to bed so that I can get up bright and early and enjoy my weekend, too. After this crazy week, I’m ready for a fresh start.
The Carolina Quilter says
I should do this for at the end of the year, I am wondering, what did I do with my time this year??? I didn’t finish this, I didn’t finish that, I meant to do this. I’ve been paying more attention and there is a lot of time spent jumping up to wait on customers at the quilt shop where I work and where DH and I have a sewing machine dealership, time spent coordinating our calendar with teachers, classes, checking in new merchandise, reading manuals, directions, etc., etc., etc..