I’ve spent so much time whining about the cold lately, I woke up this morning determined to be less whiny and look on the birght side.
It helps that it is actually bright and sunny today.
The first thing I did that helped was to wear my husband’s snowsuit when I took the dogs out. SO much warmer than I’ve been in just a jacket.
These are his boots, too. Way too big, but so much easier to slip on and off than my own. The boys thought I looked ridiculous in his snowsuit, but I didn’t care — I was WARM.
I took the camera out with me, to see what kinds of pictures I could take. It was a bit hard to do one handed, as I had to continue to hold on to the leash with the other hand.
This was the best picture I took of the dogs. They were standing at attention listening to a dog bark in the distance. I’m pretty sure said dog was their “cousin” Wrigley. He lives with Mark’s sister’s family just a hop, skip, and a jump from our place. Wrigley is a beautiful black lab. Katie doesn’t really like him, but then, she doesn’t really seem to like Maggie, yet, either. Maggie hasn’t met Wrigley yet.
She’ll probably love him. She seems to love everyone. And wants to play with all of them. She’s been quite naughty the last few days. I think she’s getting more comfortable with us: lots of chewing on things she isn’t supposed to chew on. Like shoes and hats and fingers. THe more we get to know her, the more we believe that she is most likely younger than the shelter and the vet seemed to think she is. Not that I’m complaining, it’s just that she is VERY puppy-ish in many ways.
One last snow picture from my trip outside. The pile on the south side of the driveway. One of several that Mark has created during the many sessions of plowing and scooping he’s had to do in the past few weeks. We have a LOT of snow in our yard.
With the brighter light, I also managed to ake some more pictures of my cousin’s wedding quilt, I’ll post those separately later.
Love that snow, Suzanne!!! Say… are those Sorels?