It’s snowing!
Can you believe it?
We’ve hardly gotten any snow………….
in the last day, so I guess we were due for some more. The weather guy CLAIMS we’ll only get 1-3 inches. But! It is blowing again and visibility is poor. Again. No parent-teacher conferences tonight!
I’m ridiculously behind on paperwork, so I’m working on that today. Yippee. Tax time, and I’d like to get things done before Mark starts bugging me daily. So far he’s only asked once, so I’m good for a few more days before he asks again.
Thanks for all of the kind words about the quilting and the Blooming Nine Patch. Mark usually doesn’t say much about my quilts (he’s quite supportive, he just…doesn’t say much…) But last night — he was sitting on the couch in my sewing room, putting his shoes on and he looked up at the design wall and said “Wow. That’s really cool.”
So there you have it: it got his seal of approval, so I must be doing something right!
Back to the paperwork…
I know you’re over the snow but I was excited today because we finally got some. I had a nice long walk in it this afternoon.
It’s snowing? How cool! You must be so excited! …Okay, I’ll shut up now. ;c)
Blooming 9P is on my someday list. I never would have thought to try the fabrics you chose…guess I’ve only seen it made up in florals. I like yours better.
Snow? In Traer, Iowa? Oh, heck no! Who do you think you’re kidding? Sheesh! Some people will try anything to get attention! 😉
Ya know people will check a particular blog for something specific? 😉 😀
Well, I have begun to check yours for the weather update! LOL! I can’t wait for the day you see greenery sprouting from bulbs and see kids going to school on a regular basis. Unfortunately, for them, it sounds like those poor boys will be going to school until AUGUST! 😮
It can’t possibly keep up with winter much longer…or can it?
Here’s wishing you an early spring! 8)