Well, first off, I didn’t take any of the pictures that I said I was going to take.
I did figure out exactly what I’m making for the teacher quilts, did most of the cutting and started sewing. Discovered that I had cut twice as many strips as I needed (woohoo! only have to do half as much sewing as I was expecting!). Three of the blocks are done, the rest will go lickety-split.
Got a bunch of Christmas cards printed, which seriously took way more time than it should have. That durned printer didn’t want to feed the paper properly, so I had to baby-sit it and push on the stack of paper each time. Weird. I think it must be the matte photo paper I’m using, but I don’t understand why.
And I spent way too long having way too much fun on today’s journal page:
If you click the picture, it should take you to Flickr, where you can view it in a larger size.
The scraps of paper actually have my handwriting on them. I did that at the very end and I’m really tired and ought to go to bed, so that part might change in the morning, not sure. It’ll still be my handwriting, but I might do it a little differently.
Today’s prompt was to journal about Advent calendars, or the way in which you count down to Christmas. Shimelle gave us a bunch of links to ideas for advent calendars, so I grabbed photos of a few of them that I particularly liked (and in the morning, I’ll update with links to where they came from). Took pictures of the countdown calendars at our house and then started playing around with how to display them.
I love this one. When I got the prompt this morning, I was a little skeptical, I didn’t think this would turn out to be much of a page. Yesterday was my favorite layout. Now today’s is my favorite. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s new favorite will be.
Erica Hite — A Joyful Season
Designs by Laura — Custom fill chipboard alpha — simple
Font — Joyful Juliana
Thao Cosgrove — Spiral bound notebook
Ronna Penner — Express yourself (clips, pen, scraps of paper)
Scrapgirls.com — Instant Photo Template and Woodgrain
(most everything I’m using comes from http://www.scrapgirls.com)
Babble at y’all some more tomorrow!!!
Lynn Douglass says
Oh, my! I am so loving what you are doing with your pages! I CANNOT GET STARTED ON SOMETHING NEW!!! Did you hear me in Iowa? 😉
nancyroo says
that’s adorable! You must have a ton of layers!
julieannshahin says
This page is genius!!!! Well done.
Deborah says
I’m glad you spent “way too long” on your journal – I love it, what a great page 🙂