The project I’ve started for December (and into January) is an online class called Journal Your Christmas — each day members of the class get prompts for a new page in their journal. (Clicking the link above takes you to th einformation about the class, I’m pretty sure you can still sign up if you want to).
Since I felt like crap today, didn’t really have anywhere to go or much of anything that I had to do, I’ve pretty much spent the entire day mucking around with my first page. Well, not really, but it’s really all that I’ve managed to accomplish. One of the reasons that I’m doing this is to continue to learn more about Photoshop — and I certainly did! I’m figuring out what buttons make certain things happen, what order you need to do things in, and all sorts of other neat tricks.
I won’t take all day long to do other pages, partly because I simply won’t have time, but also because I hope that as I figure out what I’m doing, and how I want things to look, I’ll be able to do it a lot faster…
On days when I can’t spare the computer time, my plan is to at least take the time to write down my response to the journal prompt, and then I will go back and finish the actual digital page later.
Eventually I’ll print these, punch then and put them together in an album. I hope to make it through the whole month. (Actually plus a little — it goes through til January 6th). We’ll see. I’ve hoped to follow through on other daily projects before, too, and, well….We’ll see.
The journaling says:
December is here once again. The years seem to be flying by more quickly every year. This Christmas journal will be a way for me to slow down and reflect. I will write and create a little each day, and hopefully recapture the joy and wonder of the season. I want to document my stories for myself and my family, and hope to share and learn from others who are taking this same journey.
And now, I’m going to go to bed.
Well, at least to the couch. The boys are watching football in my room, so I can’t crawl in bed just yet.
I’ve got Josh Groban’s new Christmas CD playing and I’ll curl up with the dog on the couch until I can have my room back.
p.s. most of what I used on my page are elements and papers from, from a collection called “A Joyful Season”
I loved your journaling. Nice design on your page.
this is so great. I was so surprised it was digital. wish I could do that. love the colors
Love it – the holly leaves are so sweet!
Love your page design and journaling. I’m going to go check out your quilt stuff as I’ve just ordered fabric to start a quilt next year!
very creative, Suzanne!
I love your style of your Christmas journal!
Love how clean this is … especially those holly leaves & berries!