Yesterday morning at school, I saw my sister-in-law and her daughter dressed in their cute Halloween t-shirts from Old Navy, and I wished I had one, too. Every year I think this: I don’t really want to wear a costume, but it would be nice to have a cute shirt to wear.
I went home and didn’t think much more about it until I was in bed trying to nap at about 12:30. It suddenly dawned on me that I could MAKE a cute t-shirt.
So, I did:
I sewed strips of fabric together to make the candy corn, then cut the shape out of the strip set. I dusted off the embroidery unit for my Bernina to do the words. I used an older black t-shirt that probably needed to be retired (a few pin holes in the front…)
First, though, I called my husband and asked if I could borrow one of his grungy t-shirts to test my tension. I don’t have any knit fabric in my fabric stash, and I didn’t want to stitch right on the shirt and maybe have it be messy….
I can just hear the “Oh help me, what is she up to now” tone in his voice….but he agreed (and now the bottom of one of his undershirts says “trick or treat,” thanks honey!)
I could have made the candy corn a smidge smaller, but that’s OK — it’s an old black shirt that shirt that I’ll wear, what, once a year?
From conception to completion: 1 hour and 10 minutes. And I had 50 minutes to spare before I had to be at school for the Halloween Party! So, not even last-minute, just…close to last-minute! LOL!
Next year I’m going to make my husband a t-shirt that says “Go Ceiling”***
I have to go get groceries, but I’ll post more later — I spent a few hours in the combine on Tuesday and took some cool pictures.
***He’s going to be a Ceiling Fan!!!
Great idea. THere’s nothing like a second life for clothes. Maybe that’s why I love thrift shops so much. Your tshirt will be good for years I’m sure.
Ceiling? Fan? Oh GROAN….
Thanks for the giggle.
I’m glad you explained *Go Ceiling* idea – I was sitting here frowning in puzzlement wondering what that meant. Cute!