A few words involved simply to explain what everything is.
Awesome gift from Secret Quilter: Thanks!
Loot from trip to the Christmas Open House on the weekend. Oddly enough, they all involve words.
The part I like the best about the sign is the Poinsettia. What do you suppose the used to make the petals and leaves? I wondered if it is pieces of tin ceiling panels cut up and painted.
I also got a postcard, and was going to scan it to show it off, but my scanner is not cooperating. Tomorrow. Promise.
p.s. Today I focused on getting my Halloween decos put away (instead of just piling them on the kitchen island) and on finishing a quilt that’s been on the frame for a week. The first is a success, and the second is still in progress. I ended up focusing on some scrapbook pages and notes for an album idea that I want to pursue, but I’ll but that aside for now and get back to what I was supposed to be focusing on….
Nice Wednesday post! Hope you are having a good one! Please come stop by my blog for a visit!
You didn’t show the cute fabric and mug when your mother visited you last night!
Hey Suzanne, your secret quilter will be relieved that I finally mailed that box off for her. She has been bugging me! (in a nice way)
I especially love those words… dream, wonder, glee, marvel….. what are they made of? I have never seen anything like that before. Way cool.