Hey! I got some Halloween decorations out more than 10 days before Halloween! Usually it ends up being the day before Halloween and we decide it really isn’t worth it. I was subjected to some guilt-inducing moments, though. As the boys were putting out our various knick-knacks I heard them say things like “I’m so excited” and “This is my favorite time of the year” — I hope they don’t look back on their childhood as a time of disappointment in a Mom who didn’t have her holiday decorating act together.
What started me on my spurt of holiday cheer was finding this cute banner on a blog on Saturday. (The blog is Allsorts, here’s the direct link the post with the letters for the banner . I need to go back and straighten out the rick-rack so that the letters lay flatter.
We bought some pumpkins the other night, the boys have been asking to carve jack-o-lanterns this year. My husband claims that the boys and I carved pumpkins last year, but I have absolutely no recollection of that. I can’t seem to find any photographs, which seems odd — wouldn’t you think I would take pictures if I had gone to all of the work of carving pumpkins?
I’m not sure when we are going to tackle that. I want to find a recipe for roasting the seeds. My husband says he’s never had roasted pumpkin seeds before. Halloween is not his favorite holiday — I think we could skip right past it and he’d be just fine. The boys though: they talk about Halloween and Halloween costumes all year long. Every week or so someone will say “I’m going to be XYZ this year.” And I will say “That’s nice, honey.” And I’ll know that next week XYZ will be ABC and the week after it will be LMNOP.
And I can guarantee you that that conversation will start on approximately November 1st.
As I was attempting to fall asleep last night I started thinking about Halloween memories from when I was a kid. I don’t remember all of my Halloween costumes — I do remember in 3rd grade I was a Fairy Godmother and had the silliest get-up — it involved a pink tutu and I don’t know what else.
For several years we lived next to a family that became very close friends (back in May my Mom and I went to the wedding blessing for the daughter of the family). The daughter was Princess Leia for several years — it seems like they may have even had to buy her a 2nd (bigger) costume as the years went by. Our Dad’s were in the Navy and often out to sea, but I remember several Halloween’s when they were both home at the same time and the Dad’s were the ones that took the 5 of us kids trick-or-treating. They brought their mugs with them — I think there were several homes in our neighborhood that had hot cider available for the grown-ups. Now that I’m a grown-up, I wonder — do you suppose that cider had anything “extra” in it?
I think my favorite costumes for the boys was the year they were 2: I made (made!) Eeyore and Tigger costumes:
Look at them! It doesn’t get a whole lot cuter than that. I made those big enough that they actually wore them the next year, as well.
I’ve enjoyed seeing Halloween costumes on other people’s blogs — I’d love to hear more about Halloween memories and stories!
Have a great Monday –
It looks like Eeyore is trying to give Tigger a weggie. “nope, Mom, nothin’ going on here!”
Suzanne, your boys sound just like my oldest grandson, Ian. He’s four now and will be five on November 5th and is having a pirate party for his birthday and will be dressed like a pirate. He is like your sons in that he starts talking about his costume for next year….actually, the next few years….waaay ahead of time. Last year he was Darth Vader, his mom was Princess Leia and Robben was the cutest Yoda I’ve ever seen. Hey….maybe you should start a thread about this on MQR and we could post our pictures.
I think all kids must discuss Halloween all year long! Mine are going as something gross this year (again)– I have a blood, scar, and bruise kit (make-up) from my previous life. My kids have the best ooze in town!!
I admit that it’s my favorite holiday, too– but somehow I don’t put enough effort into the decorations, either. You’re right Suzanne– I’m going out to the storage shed and pulling down all the Halloween stuff, right NOW!!
(and then I’ll have my kids call you to thank you for getting their lazy mom in gear!)
they are just adorable. i can’t pick a favorite.
The boys are just too cute!! I love Tigger and Eeyore!
Oh my, how cute they are!
Suzanne – they are tooooo cute! Of course, if they knew you were posting this for hundreds of people to see, they might not think it too cute!
I promised my GD (age 3-1/2) that we would get the Halloween decorations out a couple of weeks ago, but we forgot. We’ll do it on Wed. when she is here. She and her 2 year old brother will enjoy them, probably to the point of destruction!!!
They are just the cutest! I used to decorate all the time and thought my boys and hubby didn’t care so I stopped doing it. My hubby recently said, “I used to have a wife that always decorated.” LOL….I guess he really did notice.
Too cute, Suzanne! I love Halloween and can’t wait to participate with the grandson-to-be when he is old enough!
Something tells me that you’ve given your kids wonderful childhoods and they’re going to have many great memories stashed away.
I love Halloween — it’s one of my favorite holidays bar none! I’m having fun now making my own daughter’s costumes (you should see some of the ones I’ve made for myself too — oh boy, an excuse to go overboard if there ever was one). This year I was feeling guilty because I reused my daughter’s costume from last year — but, ya know, only so many hours in the day!