So, the last time I turned on my quilting machine was….somewhere around the 18th or 19th of September. I went off to Seattle to teach, and when I came back — I just got busy with other stuff…and pretty soon I find it’s been nearly a month!
This weekend, I decided it was probably time to clear the junk off the table and just quilt something — anything!
I decided it was time to quilt this top that I blogged about back in August. It required piecing a back first, but piece it I did, and between Sunday evening and Monday morning this got quilted:
Just a fun freehand feathery, swirly thing.
The thread color is Mother Goose — it’s a little bit dark on the cream fabric on the front, but it’ll do. It felt good to have something go on and get done quickly and easily — a confidence builder…
I really haven’t done a whole heck of a lot of longarm quilting in the last year, and I feel a bit rusty in some ways.
Now I can add it to my stack of quilts that are waiting for the binding to be hand-stitched to the back. I think there are 4 quilts in that pile now. The other night I said to Mark “I should teach you how to hand-stitch bindings.” You should have SEEN the dirty look I got from him. I thought it was a good idea — it would help keep him awake when he watches a movie, right?
I guess I’ll just have to rely on my mom and my own two hands to get those bindings finished.
And those two hands are tired and way past due for a trip to bed, so:
p.s. I think I’m now caught up on all of the blog posts I had thought of while I was without a very good connection. I may have exaggerated the total in my earlier post, but I’m glad to have all of these things shared with the universe finally.
Suzanne's mother (Mary Ann) says
I think a 9 patch is just the dearest pattern there is. Simple in appearance and simple in execution, lends itself especially well to scraps.
love you, mama
Sharon says
The quilting is fabulous!! Is it freehand or a panto?
Suzanne says
Sharon — it was freehand.
Deb Levy says
Looks great! As do all of yours I’ve seen. Welcome back!!
AllenQuilts says
It looks great!
cat stone says
I have a binding fairy that does all the hand stitching on the binding. She actually asks when I’m going to have another quilt for her to do! She takes them to her neighbours and they all have a look. Yep, my Mum is a great mum LOL.