My Blogroll has gotten a little out of hand, so you may notice that I’m categorizing the links and cleaning them up a bit. I’m only doing a few at a time, because I don’t really have the desire to update all of them at one sitting.
Also, make note of a new Blog Ring showing up on my sidebar — the MQResource Blog Ring! This is in conjunction with the new website/forum that I have been working on over the last few weeks. Members of the ring are all machine quilters — I think we are up to about 16 members in the ring so far.
If you are interested in learning more about the blog ring, you can visit the ring home page: MQResource Blog Ring Homepage. At this time you do not have to be a member of the website to join the ring, but you might as well join us on the forums! It’s free and filling up with all sorts of great resource material for machine quilters, as well as a great way to stay connected with people who have a shared interest.
Ive’ got to do something with my blog list too. Categorizing might be a good thing to try. That will take some work though! thanks for the new blog ring!