Over the weekend, I found my sewing machine in this condition:
Later, the spider was sitting on my computer keyboard. I think Will was the culprit. He kept asking me if I was going back to my sewing room soon.
Make special note of the two unfinished pillows in the background. They’ve been like that for months. Good grief. It would probably take, what? 10 minutes to hand-stitch them closed?
Back in my misspent youth I was a pianist, a cross-stitcher, and through college, a computer science major. Off and on through high school/college, I had issues with repetitive motion pain in my fingers. I haven’t experienced pain for quite a few years, but in the last few days, I’m finding that it is quite uncomfortable to type. I’m going to try to keep my fingers quiet for a few days — I’ll try to post some pictures, but there won’t be much accompanying text.
Talk to you more soon!
p.s. Have I mentioned that school starts TOMORROW!!!!
I HATE SPIDERS!!!! Even stuffed ones! Gave me the willies, Suzanne!
I am seeing all the “school starts tomorrow” signs around blogland… we have had “back to school” since July 31 here. It is year-round school here – yea!!
I am the world’s worst about procrastinating, even when it is staring me in the face. Hope you can get the little bit of time to finish those pillows, if you want to that is….
Oh my word…I just about jumped when I saw that picture! Not a picture for the faint of heart. LOL
Ahhhh…today is the first day of school. I suggest a day off for Mom – feet up, cup of tea and a day of quiet.
Perhaps you need to spend the day having a lovely manicure! You know, where they massage your hands and dip them in warm wax……….Very soothing………
I trust that’s not a real spider! I can see why you are ready for school to start. I could never understand home schooling, especially at this time of year!
Ahh… feet up…. hands down and spiders out the door! Even though that one is sort of cute… I’d still have to say no way! Hope your day is quiet and uneventful.
Oh. Gross.
I live in spider land and I’m still grossed out, even by stuffed ones.
Hey, listen– hear that echo in my house? School started yesterday!! I mean, sniff, school started yesterday. (yippeee!)