I’ve been absent from blogging this week due to a number of things:
1. Several trips to the pool (my tan is the darkest it’s been since I was little…of course it is only my arms, neck, and some of my legs, so the rest of me is still quite….blindingly white….LOL!). The funniest part is my flip-flop tan. Sorry, no pictures of any of that.
2. Trying to get caught up on my Altered book round robin project:
(1 book down, 1 to go, make note of the Four frocks, the Four Flowered paisleys — those are all rub-ons… The dress has some tulle underneath, the “top” is made of wool felt. The spread has since been glued into its book and I’ll mail it tomorrow.)
3. Being threatened by boys with nerf guns:
4. And hanging out at the new website/forum for Machine Quilters that I’ve created.
If you are a machine quilter (longarm, midarm, shortarm, DSM) or a want-to-be, or just interested in learning about machine quilting, you are welcome to join us. Even thought our common link is machine quilting, we talk about a lot of other stuff, too. You do have to register and login in order to view the forums: and right now the forums are really active with introductions and people trying to figure out how to use the new forum software (just a warning…) The site is also still under construction, as I’m still figuring out the software and figuring out how best to organize things.
Oh and one more, playing with creating a signature at a website that Gina sent a bunch of us to. MyLiveSignature
I can’t imagine how you have done 1, 2 or 3 – you done som much with #4 and it’s WONDERFUL!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the new site. I go there every break I take to see what’s new.
Wow, you really ARE superwoman! Thank you for all your hard work.
Awwwwww, come on, show us the flip flop tan.
Great book page! Great little boy, too; I like the ones who come with readimade roguish grins.
What a doll! and that evil grin will get him far………….
Thanks for the new sandbox!