Shortly after getting up this morning, I needed to go down to the basement for a minute. On the way I happened to get a flash fo something odd through the garage door window, and add to back up for another look.
What’s that I see???
Yippee!!!! It’s my NEW SOCKS!!!!
Thanks Mom!!!!
She started these awhile back, but ran out of yarn as she was nearing the toe of the 2nd sock. I had asked her to make them longer than the first pair (i.e. further up on my leg, the foot part did not need to be any more huge than it already was…). Apparently my gargantuan feet needed more sock yarn than she had initially calculate. So far she’s been very polite about not making fun of how big my feet are.
I had gotten an e-mail from her last week that she’d been to the yarn store and picked up something that she’d be using to finish the one, and to expect a surprise in my garage some morning. She drops things off on her way to work occasionally. Apparently she got to scare the bejeebers out of Mark this morning when she stopped by.
Can you even tell that one sock’s toe is different yarn? I didn’t really even notice at first, and quite frankly, I don’t even care! They are sooooo soft….
I’ll probably be wearing shoes and socks tomorrow (as opposed to flip-flops…) and when I do, I’ll be sure to make sure everyone notices my stripy socks.
Mom had some socks for my Grandma with her the other day (very pretty pink) and asked Will if he’d like a pair like that.
“Oh no!” he said. “Well, maybe if they were camouflage colored socks.”
p.s. And yes, some camouflage colored sock yarn is now on order…..
p.p.s. I was so excited to get a notice from that I’d be receiving my copy of the new Harry Potter on Saturday (the release date). And then I remember I’m going to be out of town all weekend!!! Ack! I’ll have to wait until Monday to read it! Ack! LOL…
rondabeyer says
Suzanne, love those socks. looks like you have a great Mom just like I do, are they not the BEST?????? I love my Mommy and am blessed to have her. Thanks for sharing….
Vcki W says
What a cool Mom, she leaves surprises on your car! And what’s up with that sparkling clean garage?
Suzanne's mother says
Thank you for the kind mommy comments. When you have exceptional children you just naturally want to do things for them.
Regarding the clean garage — if you knew Mr. Suzanne you wouldn’t need to ask about it. He is also a jewel. When I get around to socks for him I’ll really need to break the bank to get enough yarn. 🙂 He is talllllllllll and his longggggggggg feet.
rondabeyer says
Well Suzanne’s Mom she is not short, or is it just me (lol)????? Suzanne please do tell, how tall are You??????
KK says
Great socks! And I’m eagerly awaiting my Harry Potter, too! DH is gone till Monday night – I could read read read – but I really need to be quilting quilting quilting. Maybe one chapter every morning and one every evening?